Sustainable Dundee is a partnership of organisations working together to tackle the Climate Emergency by supporting low carbon living and enhancing nature to help the City achieve its target of Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions before 2045. Sustainable Dundee is committed to United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which is the framework to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The UN SDGs address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental loss, peace and justice.
As global temperatures increase, glaciers melt and sea levels rise; these changes cause more intense floods, storms, forest fires, droughts, and famine. Even in Dundee the impacts will be felt with increased flooding, storms, and extreme heat in the City. Scientists have agreed that we must all take action to try to keep global warming below 1.5°C. In response to this, Dundee City Council has prepared and launched a Climate Action Plan in December 2019 with 64 actions, which are undertaken with partners across the themes of Energy, Waste, Transport, and Resilience.
Dundee Climate Action Plan
The Plan represents the first set of actions in a long-term pathway to first purpass the Covenant of Mayors target of 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and then to achieve the national target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 or sooner.

Objective: Reduce the consumption of energy, promote efficient energy use, increase the amount of power and heat generated by low and zero carbon technologies.

The objective of this theme is to ensure our communities, green networks and infrastructure are adaptable to a changing climate and to reduce the risks and vulnerability of unavoidable impacts.

Manage waste sustainably by reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering waste to improve resource efficiency whilst working towards a circular economy.

Encourage active travel through walking, cycling and public transport and to establish sustainable alternatives to allow the decarbonisation of transport.

Sustainable Dundee Network
The Sustainable Dundee Network was established following a successful programme of partnership events in Dundee for COP26. The group is a partnership of organisations from across the city and is chaired by the Dundee City Council's Sustainability and Climate Change Team. The purpose of the group is to coordinate and collaborate on public engagement, events and projects that build on the City's Climate Action Plan.
Abertay University
Abertay University is a modern, friendly university in the heart of Dundee, with a strong focus on teaching and preparing our graduates for the world of work, combined with excellence in research and knowledge exchange.
Visit Abertay University WebsiteCreative Dundee
Creative Dundee believes that culture and creativity are essential catalysts for positive change. Creative Dundee amplifies and connects creativity in and around Dundee, and leads on collaborative projects which generate local, national and international opportunities for people, the city and the region.
Since May 2021 CULTIVATE has run, a regional peer-leadership programme that experiments with new ways of embedding creativity at the core of grassroots collective action for climate justice.
Visit Creative Dundee WebsiteDrive Dundee Electric
Drive Dundee Electric is a campaign aimed at the residents and businesses of Dundee to promote electric vehicles and their benefits, the developments in Dundee and offer support and advice. Drive Dundee Electric have been directly involved in expanding the council's EV fleet and charging infrastructure across the city.
Visit Drive Dundee Electric WebsiteDundee City Council
Dundee City Council leads by example in tackling climate change, delivering national plans through influencing, and enabling positive behaviours; driving change; and acting as exemplars of climate action and low carbon innovation. The Council has a central role to play in climate adaptation and mitigation in Dundee, a creative and dynamic city in the North- East of Scotland.
Visit Dundee City Council WebsiteDundee Climate Action Network
The Dundee Climate Action Network has been open to the public since 1999 seven days a week.
The DCAN are constantly striving for excellence in all areas of our sustainable management. We have a fundamental commitment to deliver a more sustainable operation for Customers, Staff and Stakeholders alike by reducing their carbon footprint using structured approaches to Energy management and reduction, Transport, Procurement, Carbon Literacy Training and Data collection.
The DCAN also work with multiple organisations and stakeholders to facilitate our carbon management plan to enable us to set gaols and ultimately become carbon neutral by 2045 or before.
Visit Dundee Climate Action Network WebsiteDundee Contemporary Arts
The DCA has been open to the public since 1999 seven days a week. We constantly striving for excellence in all areas of our sustainable management. We have a fundamental commitment to deliver a more sustainable operation for Customers, Staff and Stakeholders alike by reducing our carbon footprint using structured approaches to Energy management and reduction, Transport, Procurement, Carbon Literacy Training and Data collection.
We work with multiple organisations and stakeholders to facilitate our carbon management plan to enable us to set gaols and ultimately become carbon neutral by 2045 or before.
Visit Dundee Contemporary Arts WebsiteDundee Cycle Hub
Angus Cycle Hub Community Interest Company (CIC) is a not for profit social enterprise dedicated to supporting cycling and active travel. We run two community projects based in Arbroath and Dundee, Scotland. The project encourages people to lead healthier lives and reduce short car journeys and CO2 emissions through cycling and recycling.
Visit Dundee Cycle Hub Website
Formed in 2013, the company was officially registered and incorporated as a CIC in January 2014, and in September 2021 we opened our second branch along the Dundee Waterfront. Whether your bike needs serviced, you're looking for a new bike, local information or even after a coffee break, we are here to help you ride for good!Dundee Heritage Trust
The Dundee Heritage Trust runs two highly respected and vibrant museums – The Royal Research Ship Discovery/Discovery Point and Verdant Works. Both sites are fully accredited museums and have won numerous awards, both national and international, as well as being 5 star rated attractions with Visit Scotland. Both the polar and jute collections are Recognised Collections of National Significance.
Visit Dundee Heritage Trust WebsiteDundee Institute of Architects
The Dundee Institute of Architects (DIA) was established in 1884 and is one of six Chapters making up the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland. The DIA Chapter represents Architects from Dundee, Angus, Perth & Kinross and north east Fife. The voluntary organisation is a regional professional body serving, supporting and addressing the constantly changing and challenging journey Architects face throughout their careers.
DIA exists to champion high quality Architecture, promote awareness of the local built environment, sustainability and above all to foster positive and constructive dialogue between professionals and the public. DIA continue to explore exciting, dynamic and engaging opportunities to communicate what Architects do and how Architecture can assist in improving our environment, experiences and life story.
Visit Dundee Institute of Architects WebsiteDundee Rep Theatre
Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre sits at the cultural heart of Dundee as a centre of creative excellence. The Organisation looks outwards, creating and delivering work for local, national and international audiences, with learning at the heart. “The Rep” recently celebrated its 80th anniversary and is home to the Dundee Rep Ensemble, the only permanent full-time company of its kind in Scotland.
Scottish Dance Theatre is one of the few full-time companies in the UK and is made up of nine inquisitive and versatile dancers who have come from all over the world to work and create in our home at Dundee Rep. Together these twin ensembles have created a number of award-winning productions, made in Dundee that tour nationally and internationally; establishing a reputation as one of the UK’s leaders in theatre and dance production, carrying the Dundee brand far and wide.
Visit Dundee Rep Theatre WebsiteDundee Science Centre
Dundee Science Centre is a charity and lifelong learning resource for the community. We are here to help families learn together, to support the formal schools curriculum and advance the science communication profession. With an emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity, our exhibitions provide an inspiring, hands-on learning experience for everyone to visit.
Dundee Science Centre is also a Green Tourism Gold Award Winner and conducts numerous outreach visits and festivals, together with our diverse digital offering, to help share the science behind climate, the environment, and the natural world to a variety of audiences across Scotland and beyond.
Visit Dundee Science Centre WebsiteEat & Drink Dundee
Sustainable Food Place works to bring together partners, stakeholders and interested parties from across the city that are integral to the city’s food landscape.
Visit Eat & Drink Dundee Website
By working collaboratively we can work on a combined approach to food policy to create a more healthy and sustainable food system. Ensuring that everyone in the city has equal access to sustainable and healthy food.Eden Project
The Eden Project is a educational charity and social enterprise. Our global mission is to create a movement that builds relationships between people and the natural world to demonstrate the power of working together for the benefit of all living things.
Visit Eden Project WebsiteFriends Of The Earth Tayside
Friends of the Earth Tayside is a group of local volunteers, part of the world-wide Friends of the Earth network. We campaign with partners in the community for everyone to have the right to a healthy environment and a fair share of the Earth's resources, now and in the future. The climate emergency, biodiversity loss, sustainable transport and a circular economy are priority issues.
Visit Friends Of The Earth Tayside WebsiteMcLaughlin & Harvey
McLaughlin & Harvey is a privately-owned construction and civil engineering business with 170 years experience. The company employs over 800 people and operates throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, delivering quality construction, civil engineering and fit-out projects, and facilities management services, to various sectors.
We are committed to delivering exceptional infrastructure whilst shaping the communities in which we work. Demonstrating a unique range of expertise, McLaughlin & Harvey deliver innovative and sustainable projects which leave a positive impact on local communities and environments.
Visit McLaughlin & Harvey WebsiteMichelin Scotland Innovation Parc
Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc is an ambitious joint venture between Dundee City Council, Michelin, and Scottish Enterprise, is a world class Innovation Parc focused on sustainable mobility and decarbonisation. With a 32-hectare site and excellent physical connectivity, MSIP offers dynamic space that can adapt to all sizes of business.
As well as large, flexible space, those that locate at MSIP will have access to an innovation campus, a Skills Academy, business support and competitive, green energy delivered from sustainable sources. Underpinning all activities at MSIP is a collaborative approach to achieve the goal of net zero.
Visit Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc WebsiteMVV Environment Baldovie LTD
MVV Baldovie LTD in November 2017 entered a contract with Dundee City and Angus Councils to manage their residual waste (that is waste left over after recyclable materials have been removed). It is a long-term contract under which MVV will utilise municipal solid waste (MSW), commercial and industrial waste (C&I) to generate electricity. In the process, MVV will endeavour to fulfil the requirements of the Scottish Government’s hierarchical Zero Waste priorities.
Visit MVV Environment Baldovie LTD WebsiteNinewells Community Garden
Ninewells Community Garden lies in the beautiful arboretum of Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (near to Maggie’s). Our mission is to promote physical activity and good health through community gardening; in an environment where horticulture supports wellbeing, therapy and rehabilitation. Working towards sustainable and climate-friendly goals, the garden promotes wildlife-friendly gardening, reduces peat use where possible, promote alternative plant use to encourage climate-friendly gardening and has adopted a no-dig policy to reduce carbon release into the atmosphere.
Visit Ninewells Community Garden WebsiteOne World Centre
The One World Centre is a Development Education Centre belongs to the IDEAS network. It works in partnership with schools, higher & further education establishments, and youth & adult community workers, to embed Global Citizenship Education across Dundee, Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross.
Global Citizenship Education enables people to become critically engaged global citizens: with the knowledge, skills and values to play their part in tackling the root causes of the world’s increasingly urgent and complex problems.
By acting locally, we believe people can find ways to bring about change to create a more just, equitable, peaceful and sustainable world.
Visit One World Centre WebsiteScrapantics
ScrapAntics are a social enterprise with four core impacts of community, art, recycling and education. They are here for the whole community and prioritise working with local people who are disadvantaged or marginalised.
At the heart of the organisation is the ScrapStore, full of affordable art and craft supplies. ScrapAntics also run a successful educational programme in schools, support a number of volunteers and offer a range of play sessions, events, workshops and creative community projects. ScrapAntics have diverted over 75 tonnes of business excess waste back into the community as resources for creative and play-based projects.
Visit Scrapantics WebsiteTayside Climate Beacon
The Tayside Climate Beacon is a partnership of culture, heritage, science, academic and community focused organisations across the Tayside Bioregion, all committed to action on climate change, who are gathering together as part of Creative Carbon Scotland's Climate Beacons initiative.
Visit Tayside Climate Beacon WebsiteTransition Dundee
Transition Dundee is a community-led social enterprise which aims to make Dundee a more sustainable, healthier and happier place to live through various climate focussed projects.
Many people are aware of the threats that climate change poses - but we are here to show there is hope, there are lots of things we can do to tackle it together and to make sure nobody is left behind in the transition to a more sustainable future.
As well as the newest project, The Wardrobe, Transition Dundee also run a very successful Community Fridge in the West End of Dundee and a branch of NeighbourFood – a weekly, online local food market, as well as running a busy programme of events and workshops on all things climate change.
Visit Transition Dundee WebsiteUniversity of Dundee
The University of Dundee has a clear mission – to transform lives, locally and globally, by the creation, sharing and application of knowledge. It does this through world-class teaching, pioneering research, and work that has social, cultural and economic impact.
The University sits at the heart of city that is in the midst of transformational change – highlighted by the opening in 2018 of V&A Dundee and the forthcoming arrival of the Eden Project – making it one of the best places in the UK to live, work and study.
Visit University of Dundee WebsiteUrban Foresight
Urban Foresight is a mission-driven business that excels at turning good ideas into projects that have a lasting and transformational impact. Delivering the places of tomorrow today.
Innovation for places, solving societal challenges and creating new local opportunities, Places for people, Improving lives, protecting the environment, and boosting local economies.
Visit Urban Foresight WebsiteV&A Dundee
V&A Dundee presents the brilliance of Scottish creativity and the best of design from around the world. The first ever dedicated design museum in Scotland and the only other V&A museum anywhere in the world outside London, V&A Dundee provides a place of inspiration, discovery and learning through its mission to enrich lives through design. Created through a ground-breaking partnership between the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Dundee City Council, Scottish Enterprise and the universities of Dundee and Abertay, the museum opened its doors in September 2018.
Visit V&A Dundee Website
Dundee Climate Leadership Group
The Dundee Climate Leadership Group will provide active leadership on Dundee's Net-Zero challenge, leveraging expertise from across the city to engage and inspire collective ownership and a shared commitment to tackling climate change.
Dundee Climate Leadership Group
Abertay University
Abertay University is a modern, friendly university in the heart of Dundee, with a strong focus on teaching and preparing our graduates for the world of work, combined with excellence in research and knowledge exchange.
Visit Abertay University WebsiteCreative Dundee
Creative Dundee believes that culture and creativity are essential catalysts for positive change. Creative Dundee amplifies and connects creativity in and around Dundee, and leads on collaborative projects which generate local, national and international opportunities for people, the city and the region.
Since May 2021 CULTIVATE has run, a regional peer-leadership programme that experiments with new ways of embedding creativity at the core of grassroots collective action for climate justice.
Visit Creative Dundee WebsiteDC Thomson
DC Thomson is one of the leading media organisations in the UK, with a proud heritage of creating trusted brands that enlighten and entertain audiences across the globe.
While our roots are firmly in publishing, with a portfolio of newspapers and magazines, DC Thomson has diversified into digital technology, radio, TV and events. Using audience insight and data, DC Thomson create content and experiences that connect with our customers and build loyal communities.
Visit DC Thomson WebsiteDundee and Angus College
Dundee City Council
Dundee City Council leads by example in tackling climate change, delivering national plans through influencing, and enabling positive behaviours; driving change; and acting as exemplars of climate action and low carbon innovation. The Council has a central role to play in climate adaptation and mitigation in Dundee, a creative and dynamic city in the North- East of Scotland.
Visit Dundee City Council WebsiteHillcrest Homes
Hillcrest Homes was established in 1967 and is one of Scotland’s largest housing associations. Hillcrest Homes have over 6000 good quality homes at affordable rents across Dundee, Edinburgh, Angus, Perthshire, Fife and Aberdeen. Hillcrest aim to foster positive communities and improve the lives of our tenants and customers.
Visit Hillcrest Homes WebsiteMichelin Scotland Innovation Parc
Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc is an ambitious joint venture between Dundee City Council, Michelin, and Scottish Enterprise, is a world class Innovation Parc focused on sustainable mobility and decarbonisation. With a 32-hectare site and excellent physical connectivity, MSIP offers dynamic space that can adapt to all sizes of business.
As well as large, flexible space, those that locate at MSIP will have access to an innovation campus, a Skills Academy, business support and competitive, green energy delivered from sustainable sources. Underpinning all activities at MSIP is a collaborative approach to achieve the goal of net zero.
Visit Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc WebsiteNHS Tayside
NHS Tayside is an NHS board which forms one of the fourteen regions of NHS Scotland. It provides healthcare services in Angus, the City of Dundee and Perth and Kinross.
Visit NHS Tayside WebsiteRobertson Group
Robertson Group is one of the UK's largest family-owned construction, infrastructure and support services businesses. Together with our customers we invest, develop, construct and maintain across the whole built environment.
Visit Robertson Group WebsiteScottish & Southern Electricity Networks
Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks is the electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) responsible for delivering power to over 3.8 million homes and businesses across central southern England and the north of Scotland. The network serves some of the most diverse and unique geographies across the UK, and keep customers and communities connected whilst developing the flexible electricity network vital to achieving net zero.
Visit Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks WebsiteScottish Gas Networks
Scottish Gas Network looks after all the pipes underground and up to your gas meter. While all the pipes and appliances inside your home are the responsibility of you or your landlord. The gas that flows through all the pipes belongs to your supplier, as well as your meter. If you have any questions about your bills or meter, they're the best people to help.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our teams are working behind the scenes and out on the streets to keep you safe and the gas flowing to 5.9 million homes and businesses in the south of England and across Scotland.
Visit Scottish Gas Networks WebsiteScottish Water
Scottish Water look after Scotland's most precious natural resource. From source to tap, Scottish Water are trusted to keep you supplied with world class water and care for our environment every minute of every day.
Visit Scottish Water WebsiteThe James Hutton Institute
Transition Dundee
Transition Dundee is a community-led social enterprise which aims to make Dundee a more sustainable, healthier and happier place to live through various climate focussed projects.
Many people are aware of the threats that climate change poses - but we are here to show there is hope, there are lots of things we can do to tackle it together and to make sure nobody is left behind in the transition to a more sustainable future.
As well as the newest project, The Wardrobe, Transition Dundee also run a very successful Community Fridge in the West End of Dundee and a branch of NeighbourFood – a weekly, online local food market, as well as running a busy programme of events and workshops on all things climate change.
Visit Transition Dundee WebsiteUniversity of Dundee
The University of Dundee has a clear mission – to transform lives, locally and globally, by the creation, sharing and application of knowledge. It does this through world-class teaching, pioneering research, and work that has social, cultural and economic impact.
The University sits at the heart of city that is in the midst of transformational change – highlighted by the opening in 2018 of V&A Dundee and the forthcoming arrival of the Eden Project – making it one of the best places in the UK to live, work and study.
Visit University of Dundee Website
Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce
The Poverty Alliance
March 2018
Dundee City Council become signatories to the global ‘Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy’. A target is set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Dundee by 40% by 2030. Work commences on co-designing a citywide Climate Action Plan, to be informed by the preparation of a Baseline Emissions Inventory and Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment.
April 2018
Policy and Resources Committee approve a set of actions that demonstrate the Council’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
June 2019
Policy and Resources Committee unanimously recognise the serious and accelerating environmental, social and economic challenges faced by climate change and declare a climate emergency.
A new city emissions reduction target is set to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 or sooner.
July 2019
Public consultation commences on the draft Dundee Climate Action Plan with one-to-one stakeholder meetings and workshops with interest groups.
November 2019
Policy and Resources Committee approve the Dundee Climate Action Plan.
December 2019
The Dundee Climate Action Plan is published. Implementation of actions begins across the four themes of Energy, Transport, Waste and Resilience
March 2021
Dundee Climate Leadership Group set up – high level representation for climate action
September 2021
In the run up to COP26, Dundee City Council become signatories to the three declarations, C40 Cities: Race to Net Zero Pledge; The Edinburgh Declaration and the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration.
November 2021 - Present
Bespoke Climate Leadership training for senior managers, grade 13 and above delivered by Keep Scotland Beautiful on behalf of the Carbon Literacy Project.
January 2022
Sustainable Dundee Network formed from COP26 planning group, 20 plus public, private and community organisations collaborating on sustainable events, campaigns and projects to develop the Climate Action Plan.
March 2022 - Ongoing
Mandatory Climate Literacy e-learning modules for all staff.
April - May 2022
Commencement of Service Management Team workshops to support Services in identify and incorporating climate actions with their Service Plans and to support preparation of the Net Zero Transition Plan and Carbon Budget.
September 2022
Draft Council Net Zero Transition Plan and Carbon Budget published.
September 2022
As part of Scotland's Climate Week, the Sustainable Dundee network launched three new projects, the £750,000 Dundee Climate Fund to help grow community projects; the Sustainable Dundee Webpage and the Dundee Sustainability Map.
December 2023
Dundee City Council published its organisational Net Zero Transition Plan. The organisation set its new Net Zero target to 2038.
November 2024
Dundee City Council joined the Urban Transition Mission Centre. This is a global platform promoting urban sustainability and facilitates climate-neutral transitions. The UTMC helps cities to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps by linking cities with policy, implementation, and funding solutions via exchanges that transcend national and world regions’ borders.
Pledges & Commitments
Dundee City council declared a climate emergency in June 2019 and established the Dundee Climate Leadership Group to help achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for the city in the next 25 years. The following pledges have been signed to demonstrate its ongoing commitment to climate action.

Climate Emergency Declaration
In June 2019, Dundee City Council declared a climate emergency, recognising the serious and accelerating environmental, social and economic challenges we face due to climate change. In response, the Climate Action Plan has been prepared to set out a first set of ambitious actions in a long-term pathway to support Dundee in a just transition to a net-zero and climate resilient future by 2045 at the latest.
Read More About Climate Emergency Declaration
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) is the largest global alliance for city climate leadership, built upon the commitment of over 11,500 cities and local governments to tackle the challenges of climate change. The GCoM gathers cities and local governments of all sizes in all parts of the world, mobilizing and supporting cities’ ambitious, measurable, planned climate and energy action in their communities.
Read More About Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
C40 Cities: Race to Net Zero
This pledge publicly highlights the message that the city of Dundee recognises the global climate emergency and will reduce the city's emissions to net zero by 2045 or sooner. This would be led by partnership working to deliver the Dundee Climate Action Plan.
Read More About C40 Cities: Race to Net Zero
The Edinburgh Declaration
Scottish Government initiative through the 'Edinburgh Process' which is a means for local authorities to be formally represented in the international process and to show support for global action to protect and enhance biodiversity.
The city will work on actions set out within Dundee's Biodiversity Action Plan 2020-2030 and Dundee's Climate Action Plan.
Read More About The Edinburgh Declaration
Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration
Dundee City Council will commit to accelerate climate action by building and facilitating sustainable food systems transformation by developing and implementing integrated food policies and strategies, for example building on Dundee's Local Food Growing Strategy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from urban and regional food systems.
Read More About Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration