In Scotland, less than 1% of rainwater ends up somewhere Scottish Water has access to.


With population growth, changing weather patterns including hotter summers and drier winters, water is becoming increasingly vulnerable to scarcity, even in the UK.  By 2040, we expect more than half of our summers to exceed 2003 temperatures. That will mean more water shortages: by 2050, the amount of water available could be reduced by 10-15%, with some rivers seeing 50%-80% less water during the summer months. It will mean higher drought risk, caused by the hotter drier summers and less predictable rainfall. On the present projections, many parts of our country will face significant water deficits by 2050, particularly in the south east where much of the UK population lives.

Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency Waterwise Conference, 19 March 2019

How to Save Water

The benefits to reducing water consumption at work go beyond reducing cost. It also helps your business to comply with current and future environmental legislations, reduce its carbon footprint and organisations environmental performance. 

Water Efficiency at Work

Water fittings are more frequently used in commercial buildings, which means that the investment can lead to excellent payback. 

  • Educate employees about the importance of water efficiency 
  • Create water usage challenges  between teams or departments and offer rewards & recognition 

Water Saving Devices

  • To reduce water consumption you can check if your appliances have an eco-setting, if so use this.
  • By monitoring your meters at night or when no water is being used you can monitor for water leakage.
  • Protect pipes from cold as frost can lead to leakages by bursting pipes.
  • Major cost savings can be achieved through installing: 
    • Urinal controls or waterless urinals 
    • Efficient flush toilets 
    • Automatic or sensors taps which make a big difference in kitchens & bathrooms

Water Supplier and Recycling

Your water supplier might offer different water audits to examine water efficiency. Some might offer personalised water management packages to create a water efficiency plan for your organisation. Contact them to find out what they offer. 

Consider water recycling schemes. It might be a viable option for your organisation to recycle your waste water in other areas of your business.