These two topics include reducing energy and water use, investigating greener energy sources and look at how clean water is becoming an increasingly rare and valuable commodity.
Local Facts Related to Topic
- Dundee’s Education Department took on a target to reduce its energy costs by 10% in 2015/16 through an energy saving campaign. This was supported by the Energy Management section of the Council.
- The target was achieved and has been maintained since then. However, there are still opportunities for further savings in schools. How could you reduce your energy consumption?
- Case studies are available from Downfield Primary and Dens Road Primary.
- A Head Teachers energy saving workshop came up with over 100 ideas for actions, which have been compiled into a report.
Tips and Ideas
- Carry out an energy survey of your school – e.g. at different times of the day.
- Design your own energy saving posters and stickers.
- Have a switch off day and see how much energy you can save.
- Scottish Water have online modules and resources relating to the curriculum for specific year groups.
Local Resources Available
- Energy saving survey checklists
- Classroom checklist
- Myths and FAQ’s
- Carbon comparisons
- Stickers and posters
- Bright Green Hydrogen can provide educational workshops. Contact: karen@thebusinesspartnership.org.uk
What we can do to support your Eco-Schools Journey
- Talks about energy and energy saving measures
- Provide reports on energy and water consumption for the school e.g. comparing year on year, or the effect of an energy saving (switch off) day.
- Provide advice and resources to support energy and water saving campaigns or strategies.
- STEM links - Engineering – District Heating System/Strategy presentation/talks.
Context for Learning
STEM Engineering – District heating systems