Taking an active role in your community and making our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fair.
Local Facts Related to Topic
- One World Centre have a downloadable pack on their website called ‘Dhaka to Dundee’ which explores this in detail, with over 30 lesson plans, updated to include the SDGs.
- Did you know the One World Centre set up Dundee’s Fair Trade Forum You can become a local Fair Trade Finder and help spread the word about all the places in Dundee where you can find Fair Trade goods.
- The Dundee Global Trail has been compiled which links Dundee to different parts of the world e.g. Verdant Works links Dundee’s industrial past with current issues of global social justice in India & Bangladesh today.
Tips and Ideas
- Try some starter activities on the World’s Largest Lesson to get children’s ideas on which goal they think is most important and relevant for their school to work on.
- Fair Trade - for classroom resources, check out the Scottish Fair Trade Forum or the Fairtrade Foundation. Both these organisations can help to explore the concept of climate justice from a human rights perspective.
Local Resources Available
- One World Centre library, including photo- packs, games, CDs, posters, story books & novels on Global Citizenship themes. To see what’s available, including online materials, visit: Signposts Global Citizenship
- Check out the Schools pages of STRIDE, a free national quarterly online magazine for teachers.
What we can do to support your Eco-Schools Journey
- Provide Professional Learning opportunities for teachers, free of charge, on all aspects of Global Citizenship within Learning for Sustainability.
- We have a wide selection of resources across all levels available to borrow.
- We can provide advice on suitable activities and resources matched to the individual needs of your school.
Curricular Links
Experiences and Outcomes
Links to Social Studies Curriculum
SOC 0-08a, SOC 1-08a, SOC 2-08a, SOC 2-08b, SOC 2-07b
Also links to HWB and RME curriculum
Context for Learning
Children’s Rights Literacy Numeracy H&WB
Four Capacities
Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco-Schools Topic Information:
Eco-Schools: Global Citizenship
Eco-Schools Curricular Maps - Global Citizenship