The majority of Scotland’s emissions come from private car journeys. The easiest way to reduce emissions is by participating in Active Travel - the healthiest way to travel.
Local Facts Related to Topic
- The Green Circular is a 25-mile leisure cycle and walking route around the city.
- The Dundee Cycle Map, shows ways of getting across the city using quieter roads, cycle lanes and off-road routes! More cycling and mountain biking routes can be found here.
- Every year the Rotary Club of Claverhouse hosts the Dundee Cyclathon, a cycling fundraiser open for everyone to participate.
- There are a variety of Cycling Clubs available across the cities for all ages and abilities.
Tips and Ideas
- Become accredited by Cycling Scotland as a Cycling Friendly Primary or Secondary School. Cycling to school brings many positive benefits: keeping children fit and healthy, building their confidence and giving them skills for life.
- Create information posters/leaflets on walking and cycling to get children thinking about alternative, more sustainable transport to school.
- Reinforce the benefits of cycling, walking and scooting to school such as increasing road safety awareness, saving money, arriving to school alert , boosting mental health & wellbeing and reducing pollution.
- We can arrange for banners asking parents/ carers etc not to park near the school. These can be attached to the school gates/fence.
- Encourage exploring Dundee by foot. Dundee has many interesting walking maps available for the whole family.
Local Resources Available
- Waterfront Active Travel and Dundee Cycle Hub is now open! They can provide info on walking groups, cycling routes, bike repair and rental.
- Dundee has a great circular economy. If you are looking for a second hand (kids) bike pay a visit to Tayside ReUsers or visit Dundee’s Cycle Hub.
What we can do to support your Eco-Schools Journey
- Presentations and Bikeability sessions from the Active Travel Team at Ancrum Outdoor Centre. Ancrum Outdoor Centre also offer a host of activities to schools. Activities can be arranged.
- A talk/presentation on the new city-wide eBikes or the new pedestrian zones within the city.
- Contact active travel officers for advice and presentations
- Provide a link with the Dundee Cycle Hub at the Waterfront.
- Provideposters,information,supportandtalks on the Get on the Go campaign, WOW (walk one a week) Travel Tracker with the Strider mascot.
- Sustrans do a lot of work around Dundee and more information about this can be found here
- We can facilitate and organise a creative ideas session for mobility solutions in Dundee
Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco-Schools Topic Information:
Eco-Schools: Transport