Public Transport In Dundee 

Public transport is a fantastic alternative to driving and will reduce your carbon footprint dramatically. Taking the bus for local journeys means fewer cars on the road, less pollution and with that better air quality! If you are traveling bigger distances you can also consider taking the train. Other cities might have more public transport choices to choose from such as trams or subways. 

Taking public transport also means that the remaining cars have quicker journeys due to decreased congestion on the roads, again resulting in a CO2 reduction. 

The best thing about public transport is that it gives you added time to read, listen to music, or get some work done on your journey. 

Plan your journey here:  

What are local bus companies doing? 

Xplore Dundee is investing millions in greening the city's fleet of buses. Since 2013 they have been upgrading their fleet to reduce emissions across the city. In 2021 they launched 12 all electric double-decker Emerald buses for service 28 on Lochee Road (Scotland's fourth most polluted street). This is only the beginning! Find out more here: